

Patent Searches

$1500 (simple search) — The patent search fee will vary depending on how crowded a particular invention is with respect to the prior art (i.e., previously issued patents). For example, if there are a considerable number of patents to review in a given field, then the price will increase. The fee includes a search report and copies of important patents.

NOTE: If after conducting the search the client decides to file a Non-Provisional (Utility) Patent Application, the price of the search will be deducted from the overall cost of filing the application

Provisional Patent Applications

$1,800 - $2,500 (simple-medium complexity) — This fee varies based on the complexity of the invention. This price excludes applicable Patent and Trademark Office Fees which are approximately $140 for a small entity.

Non-Provisional (Utility) Patent Applications

$5,900 - $6,900 (simple-medium complexity) — The fee for filing a non-provisional patent application (also known as a utility application) varies depending on the complexity of the invention.  Once we understand your invention we can quote you a fee so that you know beforehand the cost of the application. Complex applications may cost more.  This price excludes applicable Patent and Trademark Office fees which are approximately $780 for a small entity. 

Office Action Response

Hourly rates apply — Client is charged hourly (typically, an average office action response may cost between $750 - $1950). This fee varies depending upon the nature of the Examiner's comments and the complexity and time involved in drafting a reply.

NOTE: usually applicable for Trademark and Patent Applications

Design Patent Applications

$1,800 - $2,800 (simple-medium complexity) — This fee varies depending on the complexity of the invention. If the invention is very simple then the price will be in the low range. This price excludes applicable Patent and Trademark Office fees which are approximately $100 for a small entity.

TRademark Application 

$695 (typical application) — This fee includes preparation and filing the application for one trademark in one class. This price excludes applicable Patent and Trademark Office filing fees which are presently $275 per class.

Typical Retainer

We will request a 25 percent first payment at the beginning of any work.


We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express




High Volume Discount

We offer a discount for high volume services. For example, if a 
client files two simple provisional applications at once, they could be charged $1,800 for the first application and $1200 for the second application.

Free Initial COnsultation

We offer a free half-hour long consultation. If the client prefers, we can conduct the consultation over the phone.